Interested in my 2024 Beekeeping Calendar? Taking the time to think about what you want to achieve makes a huge difference and helps to organize your plans and goals for the upcoming season. Month by month you can include weather expectations, available food sources, what the bees are generally up to and the beekeeping jobs needed to stay on top of colony health including pests and diseases to watch out for. 

Email prairiesweethearthoney@gmail.com if you would like to receive a link to my 2024 Beekeeping Calendar.


I love sharing about the life cycle of honey bees, the important role they play in our environment and the amazing ways they communicate and work together to get things done. We can learn so much from the bees.

My buzzworthy news is that my observation hive has arrived so I can safely bring live bees to my presentations! Let’s see how fast you can find the queen.

Presentations are available for schools, garden clubs, senior centres, bee clubs, businesses and more. Prices vary depending on topic, audience, location and length of time. There are a few last dates available for May and June 2024 – so book now if you’re interested.

Simply contact  Rebecca at prairiesweethearthoney@gmail.com or 204-391-4765.


New to beekeeping? Learn how to responsibly raise and manage healthy colonies in your own backyard. Choose from a variety of sessions, both in-person and online, to give you a strong start to your beekeeping journey.

Already a beekeeper? Grow your beekeeping skills! Up your game and learn how to raise your own queens for bee yard independence. Other intermediate sessions include building strong healthy nucs for sales, pests and diseases, integrated pest management and more.

*Education sessions and field day workshops are currently on hold while I update and create new materials that reflect my learnings from the Cornell University Master Beekeeping program. 


Come experience the world of bees during the 2024 bee season! This unique experience provides hands-on learning in the bee yard in exchange for work related to bees. 

  1. Learning: Join me in the hives to learn about honey bees and best beekeeping practices. Topics include honey bee biology, equipment needs, hive location and set up, beekeeping basics, swarm management, managing pests and diseases and more.
  2. Working: Come prepared to work and get your hands dirty! Jobs may include equipment building, cleanup and prep, honey extraction, wax rendering, feeding the bees or labelling and jarring honey — to name a few.

Commitment is three learning days and three working days. This reciprocal opportunity is limited to five people. 

If you are interested in getting on the waitlist for the 2024 season, please call 204-391-4765 or send an email to prairiesweethearthoney@gmail.com.


Curious about bees? Want to learn how they function in the hive?

Come meet the bees at Prairie Sweetheart’s Vialoux Village apiary near Assiniboine Park! Learn about the fascinating world of bees including basic bee biology, their roles in the hive and how they communicate with each other to produce magic. *Weather permitting. Maximum of 10 participants.

Date Coming Soon!

* Questions prior to signing up are welcome and encouraged! Email prairiesweethearthoney@gmail.com to get on the waitlist today!


Providing knowledge and hands on training to build your confidence in the bee yard.


Helping grow your passion so you can feel inspired and have a sense of purpose.


Growing a community of supportive beekeepers so we can share stories and learn from each other.

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