Hivelights: Rounding the Bend
Beeyard Basics: 2023 Beekeeping Calendar
Buzz-worthy: Honey Super Sale 10% Off
Bee Mine: Honey for your Honey
Bees, Bees, Bees: Waitlist Now Open
Combing Soon: 2023 Intern Experience
Sweet Beesus: Recipes Dripping with Goodness
Video: Honey Bees in Slo Mo
Hivelights: Rounding the Bend to Bee-coming a Master
Yup, I’m rounding the bend for my Master Beekeeping Program from Cornell University with the last set of modules about to start next week!
I’ll be in my happy place again as I cozy up to learn about, “The Rewards and Contributions of Beekeeping.” After that, I’m off to Ithaca, New York this spring for the final exam series which includes written, oral and field components.
Yikes! I’m a little intimidated by it all, but it’ll be so worth it.
Already I feel better equipped with new concepts, additional knowledge and best management practices I’ve learned over the past year. I have gained a deeper understanding of honey bees as living organisms and am able to navigate controversial topics to communicate with credibility in the beekeeping community. The best part is that I have the tools and resources to better educate new beekeepers and share my learnings with others!
I remember when I was just daydreaming about signing up for this program and now here I am in the final round!! It feels extra special because my mom was born and raised in New York, I love that she somehow continues to be part of my beekeeping journey (for those who don’t know my mom’s involvement in how this all got started, watch this short video, “My Mom’s Gift”).
Oh, and I’ll have to make sure to visit Radio City Music Hall during my trip, my grandma was a Rockette there back in the day, which has nothing to do with anything but is super cool.
What a celebration it will be when all is said and done — gonna get my dancing boots out for sure!
Beeyard Basics: 2023 Beekeeping Calendar
The bees are tucked in for the winter, so it’s a perfect time to take inventory of your equipment and make lists of what is needed for the upcoming season. This includes fixing, cleaning and sterilizing equipment, purchasing what is necessary in the bee yard and assembling or painting equipment as needed.
This is also a great time to plan for the year ahead to help you focus on your goals and figure out how you are going to achieve them. This year I created a 2023 beekeeping calendar to help with my planning. Month by month, it identifies what is typically going on with the weather and identifies what is blooming that time of year for the bees to forage in this area.
It also outlines what the bees are usually getting up to and beekeeping jobs needed to stay on top of colony health including what to look for during inspections, general nutrition and the pests and diseases you should be on the look out for!
The calendar includes reminders of other tasks in the bee yard along with some tips, tricks and resources to help stay on stop of things.
One of the goals I set for myself this year is to learn more about the nearby plants including Assiniboine River, Assiniboine Forest, Assiniboine Park, Leo Mol Garden, Canada’s Diversity Garden. Specifically I want to know which ones have the most nutritious value for the bees and when these are blooming. There are a few resources I’ve found to help me along the way including the Seek App by iNaturalist which will help along with identification.
I also want to do my best to prevent robbing or drifting, which can spread parasites and pathogens including varroa mites, viruses and nosema. To accomplish this, I plan to closely follow hygienic management practices and better mark my hives by improving the spacing of my colonies and placing them near landmarks to make it easier for them to identify their home.
Without a plan in place, it’s hard to continue taking steps forward to reach your goals, or even set any goals at all for that matter. Taking time to think about what you want to achieve makes a huge difference and helps to organize yourself for the upcoming season.
*Huge sidenote — the bees have their own plans and they like theirs better than yours — so although it’s great to have a plan, you must be prepared to roll with the punches and flip things on a dime.
If you are interested in having a PDF of my 2023 beekeeping calendar, simply send an email to and I’ll pass along the link. By doing this, you will be subscribing to my upcoming emails this bee season, which will include more tips and tricks in the bee yard!
Happy beekeeping everyone, it’s not long now! If you’re anything like me, you’re anticipating the start of the season and can hardly wait for things to begin!
Buzzworthy: Honey Super Sale 10% Off
Honey super sale with 10% off all jars of honey until January 31! Gotta pay for that trip to New York somehow! Hahah.
This honey is the best on the planet! All natural honey, straight from our hives to your table.
Our craft collection features creamed and naturally flavoured honey with lemon creamed, cinnamon creamed and hot & spicy still in stock!
Simply visit our online store to place your order today! Sale prices are already reflected on all honey products.
Bee Mine: Honey for your Honey
Ask your sweetheart to ‘bee mine’ with an adorable gift pack from PS Honey! Prices range from $20 – $55, so there is something for everyone!
Not in a relationship?! Get a little something for yourself! I’m sure you deserve a, “to me, from me” gift, I know I do!
Visit the online store to place your order today!
Bees, Bees, Bees: Waitlist Now Open
These strong, healthy, five-frame nucs will give you a great start to the bee season.
Our five-frame nucleus colonies will include a robust laying queen from the previous season, three frames of brood and bees and two frames of bees and feed.
Ready for pick up May/June 2023!
To get on the waitlist, or for more information, email
Combing Soon: Intern Experience
Come experience the world of bees through a reciprocal exchange this summer. This unique experience provides hands-on learning in the bee yard in exchange for work related to bees.
If you are interested in getting on the waitlist for the 2024 season, please send an email to
Sweet Beesus: Recipes Dripping with Goodness
YIELD: Makes 3/4 cup of sauce
PREP TIME: 5 minutes
This EASY homemade Honey Mustard recipe has just 5 ingredients to create the perfect smooth and creamy dipping sauce for chicken, fries, veggies and much more!
- 1/3 cup – dijon mustard
- 1/4 cup – honey
- 1/4 cup – mayonnaise
- 1 tablespoon – lemon juice (or white distilled vinegar)
- 1/4 teaspoon – cayenne pepper
- Combine all ingredients together and serve!
- Store in an airtight container, in the fridge, for up to 2 weeks.
Video: Honey Bees in Slo Mo
Here’s a little viewing pleasure for those of you missing honey bees and gardens this time of year!
So calming and relaxing to watch – truly good for the soul!
You are welcome.
May 8, 2023
[…] Hivelights: Rounding the Bend Beeyard Basics: 2023 Beekeeping Calendar Buzz-worthy: Honey Super Sale 10% Off Bee Mine: Honey for your Honey Bees, Bees, Bees: Waitlist Now Open Combing Soon: 2023 Intern Experience Sweet Beesus: Recipes Dripping with Goodness Video: Honey Bees in Slo Mo […]